New Chapter: Poem’s from Interweave’s Summer Writing Circle


There is a time in every life when the very act of looking back and taking stock becomes essential to going forward. Without the light that shines out of the darkness of the past, we cannot chart a new path for the future.”
(Joan Chittister, The Monastery of The Heart)

Our new season begins on October 13th! Like last year, we’ll meet from 10:00 AM to Noon at the Parish House of Calvary Church in Summit, on the second Saturdays of October – December and February – May. All our welcome, whether joining in person or writing from home. If you are not currently on our Writing Circle email list and would like to receive the monthly themes and updates, please email Lorri at

We closed out last season with our May circle and then, on a Monday evening in June, we gathered at the beautiful home of Lisa and Rich Brown, to wish Sue Edmondson bundles of best wishes in her upcoming move. She would be leaving her beloved Summit NJ and moving to North Carolina.  Talking about what it means to begin a new chapter, we each reflected on where we are now and people whose own lives and teachings have been influencing us: the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh; the Buddhist Nun’s reminder about how we grow through transition (“No mud, No lotus.”); Ram Dass’ book about Neem Karoli Baba (“Miracle of Love”); learning from our inner child; Janet’s words about the sojourner’s way; Peace Pilgrim, who trekked back and forth across the country preaching peace; the beautiful writings of Joan Chittister, and more . . . What follows are a few selections from that evening of serene summer breezes, sky filled with streaks of pale pink, golden light splashed across the pastel blue, mountaintop views, moonlight, and the circle – speaking from the heart about next new chapters.

Warm Regards,
Lorri and the Writing Circle
September 2018


Sojourner’s Journey By Sue Edmondson

The journey taken has had many ups and downs in the life of this traveler.  This traveler, born in Hillside NJ, has moved to and from NJ several times, but was always happy when retuning back to NJ.  First it was Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for one year, Langhorne, PA for two years, and then wonderful Copenhagen Denmark for 8 years.  Back in Hillside, then Elizabeth, and now here in Summit. And it is here that the traveler has found so much love and caring, along with maturing into a women with so much confidence and being in an environment that was just right for her. Plus being with a wonderful loving and kind group of people of her writing group that help her feel wanted and cared for.

Now this traveler is off again to new adventure, with her sister in tow to a state of NC where their family is living.  Also, for the traveler it means less cold weather and more sunshine.  Yes, my nephew’s wife is pregnant with a baby boy due in November.  Will she miss Summit? Yes for all her wonderful friends are there. And yet, knowing maybe many of her friends will stop by and visit her when she is settled in the new home!


One More Time By Sue Edmondson

One more time a wonderful get together with Thread of Consciousness Writers Group.  Why did I ever come here to write, I am not a writer said I!!  Yet my friends of our Thread of Consciousness group welcome me with open arms.  It’s hard to believe I said this six years ago.  Today my writing has improved as well as my outlook on life.  Thanks go to the Thread of Consciousness Group for accepting me as I am.  No, I am not a pro-writer, but I enjoy doing what I can do to the best of my ability.


New Chapters By Lisa Brown

Step lightly
Into the next chapter
Don’t be afraid
But be cautious
Find a friend to
take the first step with you
Find a gift to
Take with you for the second
Take the third step slowly
On your own
Don’t look back
face forward
and you will be on your way
to a new you
with a different outlook
as you allow the newness
to keep you going
til’ the next new chapter comes your way.


Next Chapter By Margaret A. Dukes

It’s not predictable-
Even if you are OCD,
and THINK you can plan it all,
something will surprise you.

You will get a phone call
or a diagnosis
or take a fall
or something small
like a tick will bite you.

You will be stopped
in your well-planned tracks
– be forced to take
the road not planned.

At this point,
you may become
angry or sad
or you may
-recall the equanimity of the Buddhist nun who sang:
“No Mud, No Lotus.”

So no frets writing your next chapter.
It’s just your breath you need to focus on:
Breathe in peace, breathe out love.

“Mindfulness Meditation: Focus on your breath. Say to yourself: I breathe in peace and I breathe out love.”


Notes to Self on the Subject of Next Chapters By Lorri Lizza
“When you finish being who you think you are … you will be reborn to love everyone and tell the truth.”
(Neem Karoli Baba)

Smile easily

Express gratitude

Search out shy quiet moments
Keep them close
Cultivate the habit of Serenity:
Worry with gusto
Then … let it go

Pay tribute to how much you care
And when restless nights show up – so be it. It’s a package deal sometimes.

Realize our conflicts, judgments, opinions
We can always choose againand ask to see things differently

Above all: Remember to remember to happily anticipatewhat’s coming next
Give up old habits of dread and should and waiting for the other shoe to drop
Move toward truth; forgive with abandon; imbibe a tiny sip of the essential each day
The lotus and the mud
Limitless and light
Until you become
Limitless Light


The Turning By Janet Maulbeck

Everything is topsy-turvy
Off balance and out of control
I am upside down

My hope is that things will fall out that have been stuck
Like when you turn out your pockets and find the change
Or empty out the contents of your bag
and find things that were trapped

Perhaps it is possible
that I am meant to get unstuck

As I go against gravity
Against my set ways
Perhaps I will find the change I need
And parts of myself that have been lost

Trapped in secret compartments
Waiting to be found


Mish Mash Moonshine By Sue Popek

Moving forward
Happens while staying.
Existing in the now, but anticipating the future.

One place,
One moment,
Passes into another, and another.

Our ego of judgment may trip us up,
As the choice is not always ours to shift,
But in our very movement, we must continue.

The wandering mind sparks a growing freshness,
As anticipation becomes wrapped in excitement.

We lean in, we listen….
Moving into a new somewhere,
A place of change.

The path opens, maneuvering us onward.
And in this glorious moment,
The needed transformation occurs.