I Wish: Tales of Transformation

November 8, 2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
On Zoom
I Wish: Tales of Transformation 
November 8, 15, 22, 29
2pm – 3:30pm Via Zoom

The power of the Fairytales to touch, teach and transform is one that reaches beyond the realm of childhood. They can be portals into both our personal and collective unconscious. Fairy tales help us to understand our deepest desires. In this series we will focus on how our wishes can help us discover our limitations and sometimes set us on a journey that takes us beyond them. Each week we will listen to a tale and reflect on the messages that speak to us in the story using guided reflection, art, and creative journaling.

Lisa Brown and Janet Maulbeck combine their considerable talents to facilitate these sessions.

Series $90/$80members